Wydon Farm B&B accommodation is south west of Haltwhistle and near the A69 west of Haydon Bridge, Corbridge & Hexham, Northumberland, North East England, UK.
The most accurate means of locating Wydon Farm is by our grid reference:
54.961570, -2.485680
(rather than by our postcode).
By road: Travel west along the A69 from Newcastle to Haltwhistle, bypass Haltwhistle and turn left on to the A689 to Alston, immediately turn right over cattle grid – Wydon Farm is approx ½ mile up lane.
Travelling by rail – from Haltwhistle station: Cross over the old Alston bridge turn right follow road which takes you under the A69, then on to Wydon farm approx 1.5 miles.
Why not arrange pick up from station with John or Linda?
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for your stay at Wydon Farm b&b accommodation near Haltwhistle & Hexham, in Hadrian’s Wall country, Northumberland.